Darulfatwa Australia and who it represents from Australian Imams and scholars condemns in the strongest terms the act of urinating on the Bible, as recently carried out by two Muslim youths in Victoria.
This act is in stark contradiction to the Qur’an, Islam’s final scriptural Book.
The conduct of these youths is symptomatic of a serious dilemma that is undermining social cohesion in Australia.
The roots of the problem stemming from extremist teachings at certain mosques, schools and community centres have been ignored and brushed under the carpet for far too long now.
On this occasion, this act of ‘youthful ignorance’ was a result of the failure of the code of conduct that governs the ethical and moral values of these youths.
The availability of material with extremist content, such as videotapes and DVDs of extremist preachers at school libraries is an indication of the poor state of management at some schools that have been infiltrated by extremist movements such as the Wahhabi movement, the so-called Al Jama`a Al Islamiyya and Hizbut-Tahrir.
Lectures of Abdur-Rahim Green, a known extremist inspired by Wahhabism, have been a matter of concern for the Imams and scholars at Darul-fatwa ever since his 2003 tour to Australia.
Extremist preachers are known for their extremism and immoderate affiliations should never be granted access to our school system and to our youths.
As a high spiritual Sunni authority, Darulfatwa is willing to work with all relevant Muslim community stakeholders including school principals and teachers to provide them with moderate teaching resources and to advise them on the development of curriculums for religious content. This event should serve as a wake-up call to all those concerned about social cohesion in this country.
Darulfatwa Imams