Sun, 27th Oct, 2024 / 24 Rabī ath-Thānī 1446
الأحد ٢٧ , أكتوبر , ٢٠٢٤ / 24 رَبِيع ٱلثَّانِي 1446
Sun, 27th Oct, 2024 /
24 Rabī ath-Thānī , 1446
الأحد ٢٧ , أكتوبر , ٢٠٢٤ / 24 رَبِيع ٱلثَّانِي , 1446

Aims – Objectives

  • To announce and disseminate Islamic judgements (Fatwa) which Muslims need in their daily lives.
  • To call upon Muslims to oppose extremism and to support and reinforce the views of moderation.
  • To represent the interest of all Muslim individuals, groups and associations regardless of their ethnicity at all governmental and non-governmental levels in the capacity of the highest Islamic authority in Australia.
  • To construct a clear plan and to have a futuristic vision in-line with that which benefits the Australian Muslim community.
  • To hold an annual congress for all Muslim Sheikhs and leaders of the community to discuss national Islamic issues and to determine the direction for Australia’s Muslim community.
  • To protect the dignity of Islam and to defend it against unfair representation and negative propaganda and bias.
  • To secure the rights of Australian Muslims within the wider Australian community, ensuring no unwarranted discrimination and prejudice.


  • To carefully research the needs and the problems of the Muslim community and to attempt to find ways to resolve them.
  • To help the wider Australian community in its fight against the destructive social dilemmas of abuse, neglect, gambling, drugs, theft, and all other forms of crime and offences.
  • To immune and protect the youth from all social destructive behaviours and offences and to equip them with the right tools and skills.
  • To give special attention to those highly skilled members of the community utilising their expertise to gain positive outcomes for the benefit of the overall community.
  • To strengthen and support the role of the Muslim females in the wider Australian community and to use their skills and abilities in all different areas for the benefit of the community.
  • To encourage and support the efforts of all Islamic groups and individuals working on the welfare of community members.
  • To work towards establishing centres for Islamic funeral services and burial sites nation-wide.


  • To assist by running training courses in the development of better Australian citizens and families reinforcing the importance of social and life skills in agreement with Islamic manners and ethics.
  • To work relentlessly in spreading the correct teachings of Islam through a consistent awareness campaign in opposition to extremism and fanaticism.
  • To spread proper Islamic teachings at schools, universities, colleges, mosques and other educational institutions where an interest in Islamic knowledge is displayed.
  • To support and strengthen the practice of Islam and the obedience to Allah.


  • To cooperate with the various governmental and non-governmental bodies for the benefit of the Australian Muslim community.
  • To welcome and work openly with all those individuals and groups who are truly committed to a better Australian Muslim community.
  • To participate through its delegates in national and international Islamic conferences, in order to strengthen the interaction between Muslims all around the world.
  • To strengthen the community’s relations with other communities around Australia and to work jointly for a better Australia.
  • To participate in national events with other communities in support of good-living in Australia.