Fri, 24th Jan, 2025 / 24 Rajab 1446
الجمعة ٢٤ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 24 رَجَب 1446
Fri, 24th Jan, 2025 /
24 Rajab, 1446
الجمعة ٢٤ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 24 رَجَب , 1446

Visit of General Secretary of Majlis Al-^Ulamaa in Jakarta

Mr. Zulfi Mustapha Yusuf  to Darulfatwa  – Asutralia

On Saturday the 4th of March 2017, the Chairman of the Islamic High Council of Australia, Darulfatwa, proudly welcomed a group of renowned and honourable sheikhs and representatives of Institutions and Associations at Sydney Airport, under its honourable patronage. Amongst them, the General Secretary of Majlis Al-^Ulamaa in Jakarta, Mr. Zulfi Mustapha Yusuf, alongside, Dr. Rubi Nur Hadi, Mr. Muhammad Luqman Mashhouri, Dr. Eddy Soatrisna and Ms. Raek Roslamawati.

On the next day of this visit, the guests visited the head office of Darulfatwa, where they were welcomed by distinguished Sheikhs and board members. As part of the educational curriculum of Darulfatwa, an imams course was taking place, teaching from the book of Sahih al-Bukhari. The guests wished to attend this course on the day which was opened with a recitation from the Holy Qur’an and a speech by the Chairman of Darulfatwa, Shekh Salim Alwan, welcoming the visitors, wishing them a pleasant stay and highlighting the importance of being steadfast on the Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa^ah, following the methodology of the great Scholars of Islam, Imam Abul-Hasan Al-Ash^ariyy and Imam Abu-Mansour Al-Matouridiyy. Following this Speech, Mr. Zulfi Mustapha also expressed his thanking and deep gratitude for the hospitality of Darulfatwa, and their efforts in representing educational Institutions and Charities in order to spread moderation. As part of the educational curriculum of Darulfatwa, an imams course was taking place, teaching from the book of Sahih al-Bukhari. The guests wished to attend this course on the day

On the following day, the board of Darulfatwa guided the honourable guests around the Salamah complex, introducing them to the amenities and Salamah College, being amongst the schools that were also visited later that day. The Darulfatwa office was also visited once more, to further discuss the call of moderation in Australia pursued by the Islamic High Council in its programs, relationships and educational curriculum Along with the close Cooperation with Majlis Al-^Ulamaa in Jakarta. The group then visited the Muslim Community Radio, where they were welcomed by the general staff and presenters. This visit included media interviews on radio, hosted by the 2mfm Indonesian presenters.

That evening, through the kind invitation of Darulfatwa, a dinner was held in honour of the guests, attended by the General Consul of Indonesia in Sydney, Mr. Yayan Mulyana, his wife and distinguished Sheikhs and Imams of the community.

The Dinner was commenced with a welcoming speech by Sheikh Salim Alwan, urging the attendees to strengthen the cooperation between the people of the region to better the future of the Muslim Community and warn against extremism. Then followed the speech of Mr. Zulfi Mustapha Yusuf, where he stated that the bond between Majlis Al-^Ulamaa and Darulfatwa of Australia is great due to the fact that both organisations follow the Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa^ah, the methodology of Imam Abul-Hasan Al-Ash^ariyy and Imam Abu-Mansour Al-Matouridiyy. Mr. Zulfi thanked the attendees and specifically the Darulfatwa board, for their friendliness, respect and great hospitality, also saying “I will never forget these faces, because you are in my heart”. Following this was the speech of the General Consul of Indonesia, Mr. Yayan Mulyana, where he reminded the sheikhs and imams of their responsibilities in spreading the true image of Islam and its moderation. To conclude this dinner, Darulfatwa presented a video projection of its activities, presented gifts to the guests, and stood with them for memorable photos.

On the following day, the honourable guests were farewelled by the board of Darulfatwa Australia with hope that there will be more visits between the parties in the near future.








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