Fri, 17th Jan, 2025 / 17 Rajab 1446
الجمعة ١٧ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 17 رَجَب 1446
Fri, 17th Jan, 2025 /
17 Rajab, 1446
الجمعة ١٧ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 17 رَجَب , 1446
Thousands of Sydney Muslims respond to the call Honorable event

the Birth of Prophet Muhammad

over 5000 Muslims gathered at the Homebush Olympic Park stadium on Saturday February 11, with a positive multicultural message, curtailing rising political concerns against Islam.

The annual Mawlid celebration organized in the patronage of Darulfatwa Australia, the High Islamic Council of Islamic, resonated one message: Our immense love for our beloved Master Muhammad peace be upon him gathered us together.

 In his agenda setting speech, Darulfatwa Australia, Chairman, Dr. Sheikh Salim Alwan welcomed attendees, and affirmed the purpose of celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad, saying:

“On this occasion, people come, from many backgrounds, with different languages, and colours, out of great joy, celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad.


“ They all gather, to make it clear, to everyone, that Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, came with justice, mercy and kindness, as did all other Prophets, from Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa and ^Isa.”

By 6 pm, thousands of seats in the stadium filled with Muslims and non-Muslim guests ready to receive a message of love and compassion from stage performers of all eleven Muslim participating groups.

The performers were diverse in more than one way, including the Muslim Kids Club, and ethnic groups such as the Arabic,Turkish, Harari; Pakistani; Bosnian; Sudanese  Polynesian, and African.

 The list of honoraries present included leader of federal opposition Tony Abbott represented by Mr Ruddock MP, Mr Tony Burke MP Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Leader of the Opposition NSW Mr John Robertson MP represented by Mr Robert Furolo MP Member for Lakemba ,Shadow Minister for Roads and Ports ,and Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Communities. Minister Victor Dominello represented Mr Tony Issa MP Member for Granville, Mrs Barbara Perry MP Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Shadow Minister for Ageing and Shadow Minister for Disability Services, The Hon Shaoquett Moselmane, MLC (Legislative Council) Mayor of Bankstown Clr Karl Asfour Mayor of Liverpool Clr Wendy Waller ,Islamic Charity Projects Association President Dr. Ghayath Al-Shelh; Muslim Community Radio, President, Mr. Mohammad Mehio, and a host of other politicians and community leaders.

And prior to the celebration there was a gathering with politicians and heads of community and religious leaders where some politicians contribute with a few words : Mr Philip Ruddock MP, Minister Tony Burke MP and Mr Robert Furolo MP,and Mr Tony Issa MP they thank Darulfatwa – Australia for sponsoring the Mawlid Concert 2012 and commended the significant efforts undertaken by Darulfatwa – Australia the service to the Muslim community and in our cultural diverse society also  MP Shawkat Mousselmani present Darulfatwa a parliamentary Award witch stated  

Darulfatwa, the Islamic High Council of Australia, honoured Al-Azhari Sharia Course graduates,

Darulfatwa is a high Islamic authority in Australia and was founded to meet the growing needs of the Australian Muslim community,

 Darulfatwa aims to bring Australian Muslims together and acts as the leading representative for Muslims in Australia.

NSW parliament house wishes Darulfatwa and all organisations under its umbrella, and the wider Australian Islamic community best wishes.On this Joyous occasion of Mawlid Darulfatwa would like to thank you all the guests who attends and those how participated and a special thanks to the army of volunteers may you & your family be blessed with Peace, Prosperity & happiness.

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