Sat, 15th Feb, 2025 / 17 Sha'ban 1446
السبت ١٥ , فبراير , ٢٠٢٥ / 17 شَعْبَان‎ 1446
Sat, 15th Feb, 2025 /
17 Sha'ban, 1446
السبت ١٥ , فبراير , ٢٠٢٥ / 17 شَعْبَان‎ , 1446

Press Release – Announcement

A most Un-Australian, un-Islamic and indeed inhumane act of cowardice brutality took place just last week on Wednesday 20th November at a Parramatta café in the evening. A heavily pregnant Muslim lady wearing the hijab became the victim when a cowardice man reached out to the heavily pregnant lady and without remorse or hesitation, bashed her several times on the head before bringing her to ground stomping her head with his feet. She was saved only by the courage of the bystanders and her friends who forced him off her.
As Chairman of Darulfatwa Australia, the peak representative body for over 24 Muslim organizations and groups around Australia, we condemn this horrific attack and all such attacks on innocent peaceful and harmless Australians, including Australian Muslims.
Darulfatwa Australia calls on all authorities to demonstrate to all Australians just how un-Australian such behavior is with a response of zero tolerance.
Reportedly, the attacker has a past criminal record and has been described as a danger to society, especially the weak and vulnerable. Yet he was left walking the streets.
Our heart goes out to the victims of such unexplainable terror and we ask Allah that you and your families become graced with patience and wisdom in such horrific trials.

Office of Darulfatwa- Islamic High Council of Australia



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