Sat, 27th Jul, 2024 / 21 Muharram 1446
السبت ٢٧ , يوليو , ٢٠٢٤ / 21 ٱلْمُحَرَّم 1446
Sat, 27th Jul, 2024 /
21 Muharram, 1446
السبت ٢٧ , يوليو , ٢٠٢٤ / 21 ٱلْمُحَرَّم , 1446

Dear beloved brothers, I advise myself and you to fear Allah,the Lord of the worlds. Allah ta^ala said in Suratul-A^raf,Ayah 160:

كلوا من طيبات ما رزقناكم

This Ayah means: [Eat of the good things that We have provided you].

The Messenger of Allah said: <<The Holy Spirit (i.e., Angel Jibril) inspired in my heart the news that no soul will die until it obtains all its prescribed amount of sustenance (rizq) and its predetermined lifespan, So, fear Allah and be reasonable when you seek to earn a living. Consume the lawful and refrain from the unlawful>>. Narrated by Al-Hakim and others.

The Prophet also said: <<One will not have all the characteristics of a righteous Muslim if one sleeps on a full stomach while knowing that his neighbour is hungry>>.Narrated by atTabaraniyy.

In the difficult times facing Muslims today, it has become so clear who is the truthful and who is not, who is the sincere and who is not, and who sacrifices his time and effort to help others for the sake of Allah, and who is selfish, greedy and arrogant.

The saying of the Prophet peace be upon him: “Jibril inspired in my heart the news that no soul will die until it has received its sustenance and completed its time;’ shows that our lives are limited and will cease. The one who does not die by sword will surely die by other means. Our rizq is preordained; no one will be able to get hold of the rizq (sustenance) that has been predestined for you. Our breaths are numbered. Illnesses and ailments do not bring death sooner than predestined. Likewise, youth and strength will not delay death from taking place. In fact, each person will die at his predestined time, and each one will receive his predetermined rizq. None is capable of delaying ^Azra’il from extracting the soul at the due time, and none is able to make it happen sooner.

For this reason, the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us to be content. He, peace be upon him said: << Take what is halal(lawful) and leave what is haram (unlawful)>>. He, peace be upon him, also said: << Hellfire is more deserving of the one whose body has been nourished by haram. >> The human is in need of Allah during adverse and easy times. All of us are in need of Allah and cannot bear a glimpse of an eye without being dependent on Allah, the Exalted. So, when calamity falls on others, or a catastrophe occurs in some area, do not be greedy. But, be generous, gentle and open hearted.

The Messenger, peace be upon him said: << One will not have all the characteristics of a righteous Muslim if one sleeps on a full stomach while knowing that his neighbour is hungry.>> The Prophet dispraised the one who is aware that his Muslim neighbor is in a situation where he is starving, yet does not lend a hand. So imagine the situation of the one who has such a neighbor, and instead of showing compassion one behaves in a way that would worsen the misery of that neighbor.

Let all of us learn from the incidents of the past. The believers are like one body. Therefore, if there is pain in one of the organs, the whole body will be affected and one will be unable to sleep and will feel feverish. As the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, told us, one should not abuse the overwhelming situation of his brothers in order to get a worldly benefit and consequently increase their anguish and intensify their hardship.

In the end, let us call upon our brothers who are in a comfortable financial situation to be compassionate and help those who are poor, needy and afflicted. May Allah help us be like one body helping and supporting each other. Ameen

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