The compilation of all material, within the pages of this booklet, on the subject of the ‘Islamic Creed of AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMA^AH is in response to the detrimental absence of such necessary information at this time and age. This Creed is that of the Ashariyyah and Maturidiyyah who make up the majority of the Islamic nation and is outlined in authenticated texts written by prominent Islamic scholars, Narrators of the Prophets’ sayings, Interpreters of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic Historians who represent the greater most trusted body of scholars in our Islamic Nation. This booklet is titled: The Glimmering Gems of the Creed of All Muslims.
To be distributed for the purpose of dedicating the generated rewards to the soul of the righteous scholar and narrator of Hadith, Shaykh ^Abdullah Al-Harariyy, may Allah bestow mercies upon him and reward him greatly. Ameen.