Mon, 20th Jan, 2025 / 20 Rajab 1446
الإثنين ٢٠ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 20 رَجَب 1446
Mon, 20th Jan, 2025 /
20 Rajab, 1446
الإثنين ٢٠ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 20 رَجَب , 1446

I start with the Name of Allāh the Merciful. Praise be to God and may He raise the rank of the Messenger peace be upon him.
Thereafter with our trust in God the Exalted and our reliance on Him the Exalted in all our matters and our belief that only what is written for us will happen to us.

Also in light of the difficult situation that our country Australia is going through we ask you to take into consideration the laws of the country in regard to crowds of particular numbers and for particular reasons.
Based on that we are suspending the congregational and Friday prayers and meetings in all Mosques.

In order to eliminate harm and to fulfil the duties of the obligatory Friday Prayer in a manner that complies with the facilities stated by reliable fatwas in the Islamic Schools of Jurisprudence, Muslims can, in this case, conduct numerous Friday prayers in different places even if they were to have small groups from the people within the region while taking into consideration the laws of the state.

In addition, we recommend that everyone in the public exercise patience, precaution and assistance to others in order to relieve them from hardship. Do this by demonstrating our Islamic values and manners, by helping one another and by increasing our supplication to Allah the exalted to alleviate this pandemic and calamity within our society.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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