Tue, 11th Feb, 2025 / 13 Sha'ban 1446
الثلاثاء ١١ , فبراير , ٢٠٢٥ / 13 شَعْبَان‎ 1446
Tue, 11th Feb, 2025 /
13 Sha'ban, 1446
الثلاثاء ١١ , فبراير , ٢٠٢٥ / 13 شَعْبَان‎ , 1446



As a leading Muslim representative body in Australia, Darulfatwa assures the Australian community that Islam is clear of terrorism and condemns the insurgencies planning to inflict terror on Australian Army Barracks.

The Muslim Community stands alongside the Australian government, officials and police to assist in any way possible in their mission to curtail the acts of terrorism infiltrating our land.

Darulfatwa has for decades actively warned the Australian government against the extremist ideology.  

Darulfatwa board agree with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that the threat of terrorism in Australia warrants attention. But, we strongly believe that these terrorists are a few and marginalised by the mainstream Muslim community in Australia and overseas.

Their interpretation of Islam is misleading and perverted.

Darulfatwa Chairman Sheikh Salim Alwan said, “Referring to extremism as ‘purest hard-line Islam’, is a false statement.

“Islam in its purest form is clear of terrorism and extremism.

“There is a consensus within the mainstream Muslim community that any ruling attributed to Islam for the purpose of justifying an attack by Australians on Australian Army Barracks is non-Islamic.

“It is in direct opposition to the fair and just rulings of Islam to issue such a ‘Fatwa’”.

Darulfatwa also agrees with statements that racial profiling using ethnicity to determine culprits of terrorism is invalid. Equally, it is invalid to implicate the religion of Islam with acts of terrorism.  Such claims will intensify racial hatred in Australia.

Victoria Police chief commissioner Simon Overland is right to separate between these terrorists and the just Muslim community.

Darul-Fatwa Australia

Management Board


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