She was confronted with the bodies of her brother, father, husband and son lying still and yet she was more concerned about the safety of the Prophet, and that is why she made her way over to the most beloved, Prophet of Allah, grabbing his clothes and saying: “I favour you over my own father and mother O Messenger of Allah”.
How can we not talk about those who truly and sincerely loved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alyhi wa sallam!?Khubayb Ibn ^Adiyy, who had been captured by the non-believers, was dragged out of the Haram (Holy Mosque in Makkah) in order to be killed. He said to the non-believers: “Allow me to pray two rak^ahs lillahi ta^ala”. Then he prayed two short rak^ahs and said to them: “If I were certain that you wouldn’t think of me as one who fears death I would have taken more time in my prayer, however, because I know what you would think of me, I chose to finish my prayer quickly.” He then continued: “O Allah I do not see in front of me except the face of an enemy, and I do not see a messenger who can pass a message to your Messenger (Muhammad), so I ask you O Allah for my salutation to be sent to him” And so Angel Jibril ^alayhis-salam went to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and passed on this information. Prior to the execution of Khubayb, the non-believers asked him: “Wouldn’t you wish if Muhammad were now in your place and you were free?” He replied with a heart full of love for the Messenger of Allah: “I swear by Allah, the Almighty, that I would not like for him to experience a thorn in his foot in exchange for my life.”
It has also been related through the route of Anas may Allah raise his rank that a man asked the Prophet peace be upon: “When is the coming of the Hour (the occurrence of the Day of Judgement)?” The Prophet replied: “And what is it that you have prepared for it?” The man said: “Nothing other than the ordinary acts of obedience except for an ultimate love that I have for Allah and His Messenger.” To that, the Prophet’s response, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, was: “Then you shall be with whom you love (meaning the Prophet) on the Day of Judgment.”