Darulfatwa, the Supreme Islamic Council of Australia in collaboration with the World Council of Muslim Communities in Abu Dhabi, organized the International Islamic Symposium focusing on the integral role of upbringing to assist families in Muslim communities to raise their children and youth within the society they live. The Symposium was held in Sydney on the 2nd of December 2019. It aimed to crystalize the moderate thought and principles in the minds of young people and aid their adherence to the religion while empowering them with the skills necessary to reject fanaticism and recklessness, extremism and abhorrent violence.
This book encapsulates, ‘The Sydney Document for Societal Peace’, which is the outcome of ‘The Islamic International Symposium’. The Symposium held the title, “The Challenges of Muslim Youth in Muslim Communities” and the slogan, “Muhammad, Success is Through Your Guidance.” To learn more on the Document of Sydney that was endorsed at NSW Parliament House, click here and download the book
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