Sat, 25th Jan, 2025 / 25 Rajab 1446
السبت ٢٥ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 25 رَجَب 1446
Sat, 25th Jan, 2025 /
25 Rajab, 1446
السبت ٢٥ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 25 رَجَب , 1446

Ayahs 190-191 of Surat Al ^Imran mean: [Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those with a sound mind. They are the ones who praise Allah while standing, sitting, or on their sides and ponder about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying): “Our Lord! You have not created all this without purpose. Exalted are You! Protect us from the torture of Hellfire!].

Brothers in Islam, by pondering about the creations of Allah, one would undoubtedly see the mental proof of the Existence of Allah, His Oneness, Power and Will. We are ordered, dear brothers, to ponder about the creations of Allah.

It was narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said about this verse of Surat Al ^Imran: “Woe unto the one who reads this ayah and does not reflect upon its meaning”. This is so because pondering about the creations of Allah serves as proof of the Existence of the Creator and His Oneness.

The scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah said that it is obligatory upon every accountable person to have in his heart the overall proof of the Existence of Allah. Every one of us knows that at one point in time, one did not exist, and then one was created and born. Moreover, the one who is created is in need of the Creator Who created him. The sound mind judges that what is brought from the state of non-existence into the state of existence is undoubtedly in need of a Creator. This Creator is Allah, the One Who does not resemble the creations and is not in need of them.

This world is constantly changing from one state to another. The wind blows sometimes and calms down at other times; sometimes it is cold and other times it is warm. One plant grows, and another wilts. The sun shines from the east and sets in the west. The sun is white in the middle of the day, and then it turns yellow towards the end of the day. All these changes are proof that these things are created and thus they are in need of the One Who is changing them from one state to another. These creations are part of this universe which is also a creation that is in need of the One Who created it and is changing it from one state into another, and that is Allah, the Exalted.


If an atheist (i.e., a person who denies the Existence of Allah) asks: “How do you believe in the Existence of Allah where in fact we cannot see Him?” Listen carefully, dear Brothers in Islam, what our answer would be. We say to such a person: “Even though you do not see Allah, you can obviously see the effect of His Creating. This universe and what is in it is proof that Allah exists.

With a sound mind, we know irrefutably that any writing must have a writer, and any building must have a builder. Therefore, for greater reason, this universe with all the creations in it must have a Creator Who is attributed with Life, Will, Knowledge, and Power, and that is Allah. Allah is clear of all imperfections. He is the One Who does not resemble any of His creations, and nothing resembles Him. The sound mind does not accept the existence of a doing without being carried out by its doer. Furthermore, our response to your claim that you do not believe in Allah because you do not see Him is that there are numerous creations which you cannot see, although you are certain that they do exist, like your soul, your mind, your pain and your happiness. Therefore, you have to believe in the Existence of Allah, the one Who created and decreed all the creations.

Imam ash-Shafi^iyy gave as proof of the Existence of Allah the leaf of a mulberry tree. He said: “The smell, taste and colour of mulberry leaves are all the same. However, when a deer eats from it, it would produce musk; when a silk worm eats from it, it would produce silk; when a camel eats from it, it would produce feces; and when a goat eats from it, it would produce milk”. Moreover, one of the Bedouin Arabs was asked once about this matter to which he replied: “The feces of a camel indicate the presence of a camel and its foot traces indicate the passing by of that camel, so what about this world, doesn’t it indicate the Existence of Allah, the Most Generous and Most Knowing”. Surely, it does.

Furthermore, the mind, dear brothers in Islam, by its sound analysis would deduce from looking at the various creations of Allah, that the Creator does not resemble the creations in anyway whatsoever. Had it been that the Creator resembles the creations in anyway, then He would be susceptible to all which is possible for the creations, like occurrences, the need of others, the lack of something and change, and consequently, He would be in need of the one who created Him and specified Him with certain shape, figure and attributes, the matter that is impossible to attribute to Allah, the Exalted.

Moreover, whatever changes from one state to another is in need of the one that creates these changes in it. Whatever is confined by place and direction must be a body which is in need of the one that creates its characteristics of height, width and thickness. Allah, the Exalted is clear from having any type of resemblance to His creations.

May Allah keep us steadfast on the Path of Truth. Amin

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