Sun, 9th Feb, 2025 / 11 Sha'ban 1446
الأحد ٠٩ , فبراير , ٢٠٢٥ / 11 شَعْبَان‎ 1446
Sun, 9th Feb, 2025 /
11 Sha'ban, 1446
الأحد ٠٩ , فبراير , ٢٠٢٥ / 11 شَعْبَان‎ , 1446

Islam is a religion of moderation

All praise is due to Allah The Exalted, and may Allah raise the rank of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, his kind relatives and companions, and protect his nation from that which he feared for them thereafter;

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: “The extremist fanatics are doomed.” Although extremism is not a new phenomenon, the rebel exacerbations witnessed today requires prompt action and a strong resolve. The global extremist movement driving this form of anarchy is manifested in groups known by a multitude of names hiding behind Islam to roam among the Islamic communities without drawing suspicion. Extremism does exist. Admitting this and recognising it as a dangerous force we can better plan to weed it from society. Islamic practice is a true following of the rules of Islam and extremism is a perverted view that deviates from the meanings of the merciful and moderate Islamic shari`ah. This elucidation is presented along this backdrop.

Islamic Affairs strives to implement the teachings of Islam as per the guidance of the Qur’an and as practiced by Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah, those who adhere to the methodology of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

The most important objective of Islamic Affairs is to spread the correct knowledge of the Religion—teaching Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam—by spreading the Islamic Obligatory Knowledge and supporting it with clear evidence.

Islamic Affairs set its objectives with the realization that victory over evil, triumph over heinous terrorism and prevalence of true and realistic moderation can only be achieved by spreading religious education and propagating goodness among people—knowing that  society can only be reformed through piety and fear of Allah.

Islamic Affairs calls upon Muslims to diligently endeavour to acquire the correct knowledge of  the religion and teach it to others—Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Islamic Affairs cautions Muslims and non-Muslims alike that deviating Muslims from the belief of the Prophet, his companions and their followings only give rise to vile innovations that nourish the roots of extremism and sow the seeds of criminal terrorism.

Islamic Affairs urges Muslims everywhere to denounce EXTREMISM and all forms of the mayhem TERRORISM committed erroneously in the name of Islam.

Moreover, Islamic Affairs urges Muslims to provide for the needs of the hungry, orphans, and needy, as well as to correct one’s self, family, and society in accordance with Islam to help each other and share responsibilities, such as encouraging the wealthy to console and relieve the poor—whether Muslims or non-Muslims.

This elucidation explores the type of extremism and terrorism practiced under the pretext of Islam. It draws on the Quran, the sayings of Prophet Muhammad and the sayings of Muslim scholars to expose the roots of extremism and assert the just position of Islam. It also discloses revealing statements of deviant men/groups to add to the case against them. First the historical place of Islam in society is explored, then how deviations from traditional Islam occurred and lead to the emergence of extremist ideologies manifesting historically in groups like the khawarij (dissenters) and in modern times in groups including the named al-Jama`ah al-Islamiyyah, the Wahhabis( so called Salafy) and Hizbut-Tahrir. Their actions and methodology are identified.

Today, extremist movements have killed many people in, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Saudi and other places. Based on misleading reasoning, they have killed innocents. Daring to masquerade as Muslims, these extremists have attempted to destroy the reputation of Islam and Muslims.

To refute them we quote a series of statements from moderate Sunni scholars; clarifying the Sunni stand against terrorism and extremism. Finally, this paper delivers solutions and warnings including, a need for Islamic scholars, Sheikhs and Islamic religious workers to remain at the forefront of the line of defence against extremists and prevent access to the extremist books. It is recognised that this work requires qualified and diligent individuals trained in deflating the calls of the named terrorist groups and activists of today.

The  Solutions

To oppose extremism has to be accompanied with preventative measures which include:
• Satisfying the need for Islamic scholars, Sheikhs and Islamic religious workers who remain at the forefront of the line of defence against them.
• To continue training new religious workers and Sheikhs with the know hows and the rebuttal documents enabling them to expose extremism and its proponents.
• To expose those in the public arena so that they cannot continue to find access to the general public.
• To maintain a media, broadcast and print, that supports rebutting and curtailing extremist acts and undressing their disguise and motives
• To encourage Islamic leaders of today to speak out against radicals ideologies in order to prevent them from teaching their ideas through pulpits, mosques, radio stations, satellite channels, schools, public lectures.
• To be aware of the so called moderates who supports extremists and radicals for their personals interests.
• To protect the Muslim youth from their danger by preventing access to the extremist publications.

Curtailing extremism should not be limited to security measures, which sometimes defeats the aim. Security measures may sometimes bloat the motives of extremists who act upon a recursive chain of actions and reactions in order to expand their sphere of conflict from one generation to another.

 Alone it could also attract the attention of some oblivious youth who might grant their sympathy to these extremist groups. Some people have even put a spin on hypocrisy, disguising it as public relation and promotion; thus luring the passive. Such deviant people compete for air time and coverage, while concealing their true identity and motives behind void utterances of peace and moderation. Their private sessions contain the same rants that they distribute in their bookstores claiming to advise the youth towards the right path for salvation. It is also behind doors that they accuse those calling against extremism to be mere agents or informers. It was only recently, when one of them was extolling extremists by saying that if it weren’t for them “Allah would have sunk the Earth from underneath us” and he called those carrying out suicidal attacks “martyrs”. Consequently, continued learning about Islam and application becomes a necessity for differentiation.

The conclusion is framed in what the trustworthy Prophet peace be upon him said: “Allah rewards for gentleness what He does not reward for violence” [related by Muslim and others]. Clearly, the onus is upon all Muslims to resolve this phenomenon, each through his informed area of expertise and with as much capacity as one could bear.


 Muslims in Australia and abroad following the traditional teachings of Islam condemn all forms of terrorism, extremism and social destruction. Thus, it is essential to conquer terrorism and its kin, that governments, nations and the media differentiate between Muslims and terrorists and to further promote that there is no relation between Islam, terrorism and extremism.

We humbly ask Allah to enlighten us with the light of Knowledge, and keep us steadfast to the path of truth and righteousness.

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