Sat, 25th Jan, 2025 / 25 Rajab 1446
السبت ٢٥ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 25 رَجَب 1446
Sat, 25th Jan, 2025 /
25 Rajab, 1446
السبت ٢٥ , يناير , ٢٠٢٥ / 25 رَجَب , 1446

Verse 52 of Surat Ghafir means: [On a Day when the apology of the unjust ones will not benefit them, and on them shall be the curse and for them will be the worst everlasting abode].

It should be known that injustice is among the greatest sins and among the biggest source of problems that has become widespread in our times, we seek refuge with Allah from this sin. It is an abhorrent and shameful sin that leads its committer to the lowest point and exposes them to the rejection and great punishment of Allah. It also plants enmity and hatred for him in the hearts of people.

The unjust ones will regret it, even if they are praised by the unwise, while the victims who are patient are safe, even if they are demeaned by those near and far. Our Lord Commands us with justice and forbids us from injustice. Verse 90 of Surat An-Nahl means:

[Allah commands justice, benevolence and giving to relatives. And forbids enormous abhorrent sins, all kinds of sinning and oppression. He admonishes you so you may take heed].

The general meaning of this verse includes commanding justice, which is giving those who have rights their rights; and forbidding injustice, which is opposing the command or the prohibition of the One Who has the right to order and forbid. It is also said that injustice is utilising the belongings of others without their permission.

Sometimes the harm of injustice would involve people, like the one who consumes the money of others unjustly as is the case of many people. You would see those who deny the orphans their rights and oppress them because of their weakness. Or they would be unjust to women and would prevent them from taking their inheritance and rights. What leads one to that is arrogance and the love of power, while forgetting what Allah has threatened the unjust ones with, of the severe torture.

Sometimes the harm of injustice is contained to the self of the unjust one. Hence his evil is confined to himself and does not reach others; like the one who declines to pray or fast Ramadan without an excuse or the like.

Sometimes a person would fall into the worst of sins and the biggest injustice, which is blasphemy, he would have left the belief whether knowingly or not. Many people may say words that take them out of Islam while they are oblivious. That is evidenced in what was relayed from the Prophet peace be upon him, as narrated by At-Tirmidhiyy, that a person may utter a word that he deems harmless which results in his falling into Hellfire the depth of seventy years. In this hadith there is proof that a person could exit Islam without knowing.

Hence the person could be unjust to himself without harming anyone else by opposing the order or forbiddance of He Who has the right to order and forbid, and that is Allah alone. Indeed, the person is prohibited from acting with his money or his self except in what Allah accepts because he and what he owns are all owned by Allah.

It was mentioned in the Qudsiyy hadith related by Muslim from the route of Abu Dharr, that the Prophet peace be upon him relayed that Allah, the Exalted, said what means:

<< O My slaves, I Am clear of injustice, and I have made injustice forbidden amongst you, so do not be unjust>>.

Injustice is impossible to be an attribute of Allah, the Exalted, for He is the owner of all and He does whatever He Wills and He decrees upon His creations whatever He Wills and He is not questioned about His Decree, whereas the creations are.

Also, it was narrated from the route of Jabir that the Prophet peace be upon him said: << Avoid injustice, for injustice is darkness on the Day of Judgment>>, narrated by Muslim. Punishment awaits the unjust ones and the victim who was patient has reward awaiting him, and there is a big difference between them.

And God may hasten the punishment of the unjust in this world before the Hereafter and He responds to the supplication of the oppressed. Ibn ^Abbas relayed that the Prophet peace be upon him sent Mu^adh Ibn Jabal to Yemen and said: <<Beware of the supplication of the oppressed for there is no barrier between his supplication and its fulfilment by Allah>>. narrated by Al-Bukhariyy. That is, the supplication is accepted and not denied.

Abu Hurayrah relayed that the Prophet peace be upon him said; <<Whoever has been unjust to his Muslim brother be it in his honour or other, let him settle it today before a time will come where no dinar or dirham will be of any help. If he has good deeds, an amount will be taken from them equivalent to the injustice he committed. If he has no good deeds, he will acquire some sins of his victim and he will carry them”, narrated by Al-Bukhariyy.

Worthy is the one who hears this and takes heed, avoids injustice and practices the balance of justice even upon himself; for injustice is a great destruction, while justice is victory and illumination.

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