Fri, 19th Apr, 2024 / 10 Shawwal 1445
الجمعة ١٩ , أبريل , ٢٠٢٤ / 10 شَوَّال‎ 1445
Fri, 19th Apr, 2024 /
10 Shawwal, 1445
الجمعة ١٩ , أبريل , ٢٠٢٤ / 10 شَوَّال‎ , 1445

All praise is due to Allaah, I ask Allah ta^ala to raise the rank of our master Muhammad, and his good and pure Al and companions, and to protect his nation from that which he fears for it.

Thereafter, O slaves of Allaah, I advise you as I advise myself to fear Allah, fulfil the obligations and refrain from committing sins.

Ayah 36 of Suratun-Nisa’ means: Worship Allaah and do not associate any partner with Him. Be a just companion to your parents and be kind to them. Be kind to your relatives, the orphans, the poor, your close and far neighbours whether related or not, your friend in proximity and companion in travel, and to those you possess of slaves and animals. Surely, Allaah does not accept those who are arrogant and conceited.

My dear brothers in Islam, in this glorious ayah, Allaah, the Exalted, ordered us to worship Him alone and not to associate any partners with Him. And in this glorious ayah, Allah ordered us to present to our parents and kin   kindness and good conduct,   to show courtesy to the orphans,   to support the needy (poor) and to the traveller who is stranded.

Also in this ayah, there is an urge to treat one’s neighbour kindly without bias: Allah said in Suratun-Nisa’, Ayah 36:وَالْجَارِ ذِي الْقُرْبَىٰ وَالْجَارِ الْجُنُبِThis means: [your close and far neighbours whether related or not]. The Prophet urged to treat the neighbour kindly by saying:  <<Let the one who believes in Allaah and the Day of Judgement treat his neighbour with acts of kindness>>.

 So treat your neighbour with acts of kindness and ask your wives to do the same with their female neighbours. In this regard, the Prophet said what means: <<O Muslim women, do not treat your female neighbours in malice, not even in the slightest manner>>.

The Prophet peace be upon him said what means: <<The best neighbour is the one who treats his neighbours kindly>>.

The rights that apply to neighbours apply to everyone who lives in a radius near your home. However, priority is given to those who live closer to your house, then to those further in proximity and so on. Abu Dharr al-Ghifariyy, may Allaah raise his rank said: “My beloved Prophet peace be up him advised me by saying: <<If you were to cook soup, increase its water content and offer a portion to some of your neighbours>>.

Dear brothers, I ask you to fear Allaah by being considerate of the rights of your neighbours. Avoid saying or doing what might harm them. Don’t ask about what does not concern you.   

Don’t try to seek and keep track of their defects. Don’t pry into what they don’t want you to see. And, don’t eavesdrop on what they don’t want you to listen to. Visit your neighbour if he becomes sick and follow his funeral (Janazah) when he dies. Give him your condolences during his times of hardship and calamity. Treat him the way you would like to be treated.

Lower your gaze when you see the women of your neighbourhood. Join your neighbour for meals and drinks. Be patient with him if he were to harm you.

My dear brother, ask yourself the following questions and think; how many people nowadays harm their neighbours? How much conflict actually occurs between neighbours because one fails to follow the manners the Prophet, peace be upon him, advised us to display, especially with one’s neighbours?

The Prophet peace be upon him said what means: << Angel Jibril kept drawing my attention to treating the neighbour in a good way to a point that, I thought he would tell me that the neighbour is entitled to inherit his neighbour>>.

Finally, I remind myself and you to treat our neighbours in a good manner so that we may be amongst those with the highest ranks in the Hereafter, Amin.       

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